
Easy Mobile Payments

CleanPay Mobile App

CleanPay Mobile is the industry-leading mobile payment application. It is the fastest, most convenient way for residents to pay for their laundry.


Download the CleanPay Mobile App and Identify Your Laundry Room. Available at the Apple App Store or on Google Play.

Register, sign in, and add credit to your account.
Start the machine by scanning the QR Code or entering the machine number.

Video tutorial

Watch the video below to learn how to use the CleanPay Mobile App.


Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I find the app?
Log in to the Apple App Store or Google Play and search for “CleanPay Mobile” or scan here: CleanPay Mobile App
How do I load money into my account?
On the main screen, there is a “Refill My Account” button. Tap it, log in to your account, enter your payment information, and select an amount to add. The funds are automatically placed in your account.
Is my credit card transaction secure?
Yes. CleanPay Mobile transactions are SSL encrypted by your smartphone when connecting to our PCI-certified transaction host for the latest in transaction security.
Where do I find my account balance?
The account balance is on the main screen, and is updated in real time.
There is no Internet connection. Will my phone still work?
Yes. The phone connects to the machine via Bluetooth. As long as you have enough money in your account to start a cycle, you’re ready to go.

Ready to get started?